
hi ...this is a message to taiwanese,i can tell you much when you think only about urselfves only as the first priority.i assure u, slowly u wont recognise people around u, u are not going to trust them, nor to be trusted,because among you.u will see your own necessity more than others.slowly in ur own relationship and others...u will fall, and keep yourselves so close. that one day, u will feel the coldness in ur life.u may know what is desire and temptation, u will get them, really easy. but one day, u will see that what u have left in ur life, is not an identity of who u are,or the real u,u wont know who is loving you, or who cares. u will see that u are drugged with wine and entertainment that world can buy.Even to the christian, i am telling you,when u talk about God.U must be really kidding, when u prioritize urself more than others.......u are just a laugh, who pretends to be a holy person, nothing that u have done for others but only to serve ur own needs.If one day ur consciousness has fallen apart, then congratulation u have fallen in the hands of the Lier Himself.Just enjoy ur time before the hallucination.    

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